See Bachelor Brad on His Final 2 Dates!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

Story photo: See Bachelor Brad on His Final 2 Dates!Us Magazine

Can't move for incoming Monday's Bachelor finale?The newborn Us Weekly, discover Wednesday, has exclusive info -- and photos -- of Brad Womack's final, pre-proposal moments in South continent with his terminal digit women standing, Emily Maynard and Chantal O'Brien.

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His terminal date (on Nov. 17) with sweet single mom Maynard, 24? A windy wild picnic in Cape Point that began with a helicopter ride. "They ended it with a kiss," an insider tells Us.

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As for hot woman O'Brien, 28, she and Womack, 38, opted for something more adventurous the incoming day, Nov. 18: A whale and shark watch aboard a dish by the Danger Point peninsula. "They held hands," the maker observed.

When the instance came for the native Texan to provide discover his test rose and declare -- and provide one of the ladies some intense news -- Womack was uncharacteristically nervous, a maker says.

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Still, "he knew he made the correct decision," the insider adds.Pick up the newborn Us Weekly, on stands today, for inside info and photos on the proposal, how the runner-up reacted, and much more!

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