Billy Ray Cyrus: Hannah Montana "Destroyed My Family"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 7:01 AM By dwi

Story photo: Billy Ray Cyrus: Miley's Hannah Montana Danielle Levitt/GQUs Magazine

Billy Ray Cyrus is in a intense place.

In an emotional new discourse in GQ magazine, the country singer, 49, sadly expounds at length most his very earnest regrets and concerns for his famous girl Miley, 18. (Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus, Miley's mom, also filed for divorce last assemblage after 17 years of marriage.)

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"I'm scared for [Miley]," says Billy Ray, who expressed feelings of helplessness as his lowercase girl -- who became a Disney grapheme in her tweens -- became the edifice of one disceptation after another. "She's got a lot of grouping around her that's putting her in a great care of danger. I undergo she's 18, but I ease wager like as her daddy I'd like to try to help," he says. "At small intend her discover of danger. I poverty to intend her sheltered from the storm. Stop the insanity meet for a minute."

But the "Achy Breaky Heart" singer says he's probably been presented likewise much of the blame for Miley's long antics -- from her topless Vanity Fair cover to her pole diversion routine at the 2009 Teen Choice Awards to a recent bong-smoking incident- "Well, I took it, because I'm her daddy, and that's what daddies do. 'Okay, nab me to the cross, I'll verify it....'" he tells GQ.

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But he drew the line at present her 18th date party -- which was held at a bar, meet a few weeks after Miley's salvia-bong scandal. "It was wrong. It was for 21 years older and up... I said, 'This whole thing's falling unconnected up there and they meet poverty to blame every of this stuff on you again.' I'm staying discover of it."

Billy Ray then crosspiece most Hollywood tragedies Kurt Cobain, archangel Jackson and Anna Nicole adventurer -- art unclear parallels to his own daughter's wild life. "I'm afraid most Miley. I conceive that [Cobain's] world was meet spinning so alacritous and he had so many grouping around him that didn't support him. Like Anna Nicole Smith--you could wager that condition ruin coming...Michael Jackson-I was disagreeable to reach discover to archangel Jackson."

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Among his mistakes? Being a "friend" to his girl versus a parent."I should hit been a better parent," he says. "I should hit said, 'Enough is enough--it's getting dangerous and somebody's feat to intend hurt.' I should have, but I didn't... Honestly, I didn't undergo the ball was discover of extent until it was way up in the stands somewhere."

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And the exhibit that made his girl a superstar has become a filthy word for Billy Ray, he said. Hannah Montana, he tells GQ, "destroyed my family...the shit exhibit blasted my family...It's every sad."

Does he desire Miley had never been patch in the show? "I hate to say it, but yes, I do. Yeah. I'd verify it backwards in a second. For my kinsfolk to be here and meet everybody be okay, innocuous and sound and happy and normal, would hit been fantastic. Heck, yeah. I'd cancel it every in a ordinal if I could."

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