CBS, Warner pull plug on season of Sheen's sitcom

Friday, February 25, 2011 1:01 AM By dwi

Story photo: CBS, filmmaker vantage block on flavour of Sheen's sitcomIn this undated publicity ikon released by CBS, from left, Charlie Sheen, beef T. designer and Conchata Ferrell are shown during the taping of 'Two and a Half Men,' in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/CBS, Greg Gayne)Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - "Two and a Half Men" grapheme Charlie Sheen has skirted hardship as a wayward, middle-aged party boy who regularly proven the cards of the TV meshwork and flat trying to protect their valuable sitcom property.

It was a violence-tinged and anti-Semitic broadcasting rave that helped near him over the bounds and, finally, unnatural CBS and filmmaker Bros. Television to take action.

In a one-sentence joint statement Thursday, the companies said they were success production on television's No. 1 sitcom for the season, a decision supported on the "totality of Charlie Sheen's statements, conduct and condition."

Whether he's gone far enough to give the program and, possibly, his career as digit of TV's highest-paid actors remained unclear. Sheen's winding discourse weekday with patron Alex designer was reminiscent of Mel Gibson's tirade during a 2006 reciprocation kibosh — but Sheen knew his remarks were public.

The production prevent leaves CBS octad episodes unsure of the 24 half-hours it had due to air as the cornerstone of its weekday night comedy lineup. And it makes the meshwork and Warner, which reaps hundreds of millions from the exhibit in syndication, the possibleness go-betweens between Sheen and "Two and a Half Men" executive shaper Chuck Lorre.

Lorre bore the brunt of Sheen's attacks during the broadcasting discourse and in a subsequent "open letter" dispatched to TMZ after the CBS-Warner decision and posted on the recreation website.

In the letter, the mortal titled histrion a "contaminated lowercase maggot" and wished the shaper "nothing but pain."

"Clearly I hit defeated this nightwalker with my words — envisage what I would hit done with my blast breathed fists," the 45-year-old Sheen wrote.

Improbably, he also titled on his admirers to start a oppose shitting for him.

"I propose all my beautiful and hardcore fans who embraced this exhibit for almost a decennium to walk with me side-by-side as we territory up the steps of justice to right this unconscionable wrong," Sheen wrote.

Those remarks, along with his comments to Jones, veered from humourous to self-aggrandizing to threatening. For a man who has battled dependency and faced allegations of husbandly violence, the outbursts upraised troubling questions most his state of nous and his most past try at rehabilitation.

In an discourse Wednesday, his father, histrion Sheen ("The West Wing," "Apocalypse Now") compared his son's fight against dependency to that of a cancer patient.

"The disease of dependency is a modify of cancer," histrion Sheen told Sky News in London. "You hit to hit an coequal manoeuvre of anxiety and fuck and displace them up, so that's what we do for him."

CBS and filmmaker had tolerated Sheen's past misadventures, including wild partying and threesome hospitalizations in threesome months. The incidents are conception of a patterned chronicle that included his $50,000-plus journalism as a computer of "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss' prostitution ring, a near-fatal cocaine overdose in 1998, and conflict-filled marriages.

(Last August, he pleaded blameable in Aspen, Colo., to offense third-degree assault after a Christmas Day quarrel with his third wife, Brooke Mueller. The couple's split was fresh finalized.)

The TV flavour was interrupted for "Two and a Half Men" after Sheen was briefly hospitalized terminal period following a 911 call in which he was described as "very, rattling intoxicated" and in pain. Production was put on stop patch Sheen proven rehab, reportedly at home, but also railed against the hiatus as unneeded.

He signed a new two-year contract at the modify of terminal flavour that reportedly pays him most $1.8 meg per episode.

Plans were ordered for taping to resume incoming week. Then came the designer broadcasting discourse and the move on histrion that reeked of anti-Semitism.

"There's something this lateral of pitiful that a destined Chaim Levine — yeah, that's Chuck's real study — mistook this sway grapheme for his own egotistical exit strategy, bro. Check it, Alex: I embarrassed him in face of his children and the concern by healing at a pace that his unevolved nous cannot process," Sheen told Jones.

"Last I checked, Chaim, I spent close to the terminal decennium effortlessly and magically converting your keep cans into pure gold. And the gratitude I get is this cheat chose not to do his job, which is to write," he said.

Lorre, who was dropped physicist Levine, is a stager shaper whose hits allow "The Big Bang Theory," "Dharma & Greg" and "Cybill." He had no comment on Sheen's remarks or the production closed down, a spokeswoman said Thursday.

Speaking of himself, the grapheme of the films "Platoon," "Wall Street" and "Major League" said he has "magic and genre in my fingertips, most of the time."

But he also prefabricated repeated, blurred references to mayhem. At digit point, Sheen titled himself the new sheriff in town who has an "army of assassins."

"If you fuck with hostility and you dislike with violence, there's null that crapper be questioned," he said.

When CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler was asked most Sheen at a programme word in January, she said, "We hit a high level of concern. How crapper we not?" she said.

When a reporter advisable a mortal in a assorted distinction of work and a kindred track record would be fired, Tassler replied: "What do you get fired for? Going to work and doing your job?"





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