American Idol Episode Recap: San Francisco

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 9:01 PM By dwi

And so, dweller Idol's cross-country see for the next superstar comes to a near in San Francisco. The San Francisco auditions sure brought a level of talent that was sorely absent in terminal week's stinky Los Angeles tryouts. (Though, the episode did move with a glaring react who lamented the fact that the judges kicked her discover of the trial room because she farted while singing. Didn't she know there is a rule against that in the Idol bylaws?)Wednesday's episode also saw the return of whatever field weeping stories. One heartstring-tugger, in particular, directly prefabricated me think of cristal Lambert, who, as Ryan Seacrest conveniently spinous discover in tonight's opening, also was unconcealed in the Bay City. And meet same Adam, the exhibit is already swing this guy on people's radiolocation in a bounteous way. But was he the digit that Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler said could be this season's winner? Let's verify a look at the night's prizewinning and worst.Inessa Lee, "All Out of Love"Dressed in pink with Brobdingnagian glassy eyes, this 22-year-old Slavonic could have easily been a porcelain doll. She came to the states to get famous, which to this point has meant making YouTube videos of herself in shower scenes. Also, she looks 14 eld old, which is just...ew. Her melodic vocalise is similarly childlike, and while her energy wins the judges over, her belly dancing and Betty Boop impressions can't make up for the fact that she's not a singer. The judges pass, and Inessa tells us how beautiful her eyes are, modify when they're crying. Beautiful? Creepy? It's every the same, right?Stefano Langone, "Heard It Through the Grapevine"Stefano was in a rattling earnest automobile happening (he shows us the grisly scars to prove it), and modify though doctors told him he would never achievement and function the artefact he had, he was backwards on his feet in quaternary months. He sings a solid edition of the Marvin Gaye classic, but null that I module likely remember a some days from now. The judges agree that he has a strong voice, and J. Lo notes his "movie-star beatific looks." Steven says he survived the happening for a reason: to go to Hollywood.Clint Jun Gamboa, "Billionaire"Clint entireness as a karaoke DJ, so why wouldn't he make a enthusiastic contestant on the nation's biggest karaoke contest? His vocalise has a susprising soulful calibre that Clint after tells Randy comes from his upbringing melodic in gospel choirs. He's a unanimous pick for a golden ticket.Drew Beaumier, "Born to Be Wild"This guy overturned a Power Wheels behave into his possess Transformers costume. There's only digit artefact this trial ends. But the judges let him sound anyway, and he actually isn't meet stark awful. But, you know, he's clad same Optimus Prime's nephew. So, pass.Julie Zorrilla, "Summertime"Julie's kinsfolk built their imagine home in Colombia but fled the country when violence poor discover in the '90s. It's Julie's 20th birthday, so she's rattling hoping for a date heritage of the golden ticket variety. She creeps her artefact through the song, rattling melodic it to death. It's clear she has communicatory chops, but I think she oversang this strain bounteous time. The judges, however are panting away, with Steven praising her grapheme quality. (Read: She's gorgeous. When she walks out, he says, "Even the pearl in her backwards is slamming." Classy.) J. Lo likes her confidence, and she's given a activate to Hollywood, the "best date heritage ever." J. Lo and Steven modify manducate to apiece other that she could be "the prizewinning ever" and "the winner."Dave Combs. "Oh! Darling"Dave and Steven stick because they both have daylong hair, which Dave says is a sign of a actual man. Dave and Steven stick further when Dave announces he is melodic a Beatles tune. (Steven happens to be wearing a Beatles shirt.) Dave sings badly. Dave and Steven's stick is broken.Emily Anne Reed, "You're Getting to Be a Habit with Me"She spread her wings and moved to California, but her apartment fresh burned down. She's vowed to build a meliorate life, and she hopes that Idol can support her do that. As Steven points out, she has a rattling old-timey voice, which to me was somewhat appealing, but there was also something kind of wonky feat on. Steven perhaps feels that too, and tells her she's not ready. J. Lo and Randy, however, think her sound is so unequalled that she deserves added effort in Hollywood. And once she plays a lowercase bit for the judges on her guitar and sings a different song, I am inclined to provide her a ordinal chance as well.James Durbin, "You Shook Me," "Dream On"Sad story No. 1: His performer father died modify a drug dose when saint was 9. Sad story No. 2: saint was after diagnosed with Tourette's and Asperger's Syndromes. Happy story: He met a girl who makes him bright and they have a baby. saint no doubt has a powerhouse voice, which he displays in full in his bluesy renditions of both songs. (Luckily for him, he was such meliorate on the Aerosmith tune, in my opinion.) He hits whatever disturbed high notes, meet same Glambert, but we'll see if he has the versatility to go the distance. J. Lo thinks he will, because he sings from his heart and feeling — a place that makes the Tourette's Syndrome go away.That's a twine for auditions. weekday brings the first ammo of tone week. Who did you same in San Francisco? And who are you most looking nervy to sight again in Hollywood?



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