Footage shows Lohan wearing necklace in theft case

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

Story photo: Footage shows Lohan act necklace in thieving caseThis ikon taken from recording provided by Entertainment Tonight shows playwright Lohan, center, at Kamofie and Co. in Venice, Calif. on Jan. 21, 2011. (AP Photo/Entertainment Tonight) THE BROADCAST BUG MUST REMAIN ONSCREEN AND UNOBSCURED FOR THE DURATION THE PHOTO IS USED AND CANNOT BE CROPPED OUT. NO SALES.Associated Press

LOS ANGELES - playwright Lohan spent roughly 25 transactions act a necklace exclusive a adornment accumulation that accused her of theft, surveillance recording broadcast weekday shows.

"Entertainment Tonight" aired individual snippets of footage shot by quaternary cameras exclusive Kamofie & Co., a city adornment accumulation near Lohan's home. The footage shows the actress disagreeable on threesome necklaces before swing on the digit reportable stolen roughly 20 transactions after entering the store.

The surveillance recording is part of grounds prosecutors organisation to ingest against Lohan, who has pleaded not guilty to felony grand theft. She is regular to return to suite on Thursday to verify a watch whether she intends to take a plea care that includes secure slammer time.

She could also opt to fisticuffs the case, which would then travel to a preliminary chance that could modify with Lohan existence sequential to stand effort and existence sent backwards to jail. The actress was on probation for a 2007 drunken driving housing when personnel began investigating her for the necklace theft, and a watch has said he thinks she has violated her probation.

Video footage aired weekday shows Lohan, 24, chatting with a salesperson while disagreeable on individual necklaces, every but digit of which she quickly removed, according to the show. She effected digit of her own necklaces over the store's necklace and continued to browse in the store, the recording shows. The entertainment programme exhibit plans to expose a third period of footage on Wednesday, display Lohan leaving the store.

"Entertainment Tonight" hard promoted the recording and said weekday that it was its most popular news so farther this year, with more than digit meg page views on its website. The recording was sold by a representative of Kamofie to a commercial images organisation of The Associated Press, which then licensed it only to "Entertainment Tonight."

Christopher Spencer, a crisis management expert who represents the adornment store, explained in a grounds Monday the think the footage was sold.

"Most important, we were upset with the different mischaracterizations we were seeing and chance about the recording and its contents, and we felt the recording should be allowed to intercommunicate for itself," Spencer's grounds read. "With affectionateness to the question of playwright Lohan's guilt or innocence, we repeat that Kamofie and Company never gave permission to Ms. Lohan to vanish the necklace from the store. The rest is up to the jury."

"Lindsay's in whatever very hot liquid here," past Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark, who prosecuted the O.J. Simpson murder case, told "Entertainment Tonight" after watching the footage. The stager functionary also noted that Lohan prefabricated country she had place the necklace on by display it to a companion, and continued to interact with a accumulation clerk.

The recording does not include some audio, so adventurer said it was difficult to watch Lohan's intent.

"There must be more that we don't undergo or this housing would hit effected supported on the video," said Lou Shapiro, a defense attorney who also viewed the entire tape at the request of "Entertainment Tonight."

He said Lohan's carry didn't materialize to be of someone who walked into the accumulation embattled to move the necklace.

"She wasn't act a crown and she didn't place it in a pocket, which is more consistent with a theft," said Shapiro, who crosspiece to the AP.

Other defense attorneys hit said the understanding of the recording could perceive prosecutors, who also hit another grounds in their housing against the "Mean Girls" star.



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