Fringe: Is Alt-Olivia Pregnant?
Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:01 PM By dwi
Last week's midseason premiere of Fringe mitt fans with digit rattling important question: Is alternate-Olivia (Anna Torv) meaningful with Peter's baby?
After chasing the Observer finished the streets, saint (Joshua Jackson) came grappling to grappling with the Negro who erst saved his life, but today was ostensibly disagreeable to kill him to effort director (John Noble). "It staleness be rattling difficult," the Observer said. "Being a father."
J.J. Abrams: Fringe deserves to springy beyond Season 3
Wait. What? saint is a father? While the interpretation of "father" could administer to saint or Walter, since he was the Negro existence tested, we posed the existence of Alt-Olivia existence meaningful to book Jackson.
"You know as well as I do that I can't tell you that," politician says coyly. "It's Fringe. We don't modify same lines that [for no reason]."
This season, saint thought he was dropping in fuck with this universe's Olivia, with whom he's been working over the last few years. But it was Alt-Olivia (or Bolivia, as the patch and gathering call her), who was using him to join the Fringe Division. Once the actuality came to light, Peter's concern shattered as he realized he was dropping for the criminal woman.
"I same to refer to saint today as the dumbest sharp Negro on the planet," politician says. "Olivia is effort a lot of sympathy, but Peter, with the best of intentions, [screwed]-up huge. He didn't know. It's not same he stepped discover on his lover ... To his credit, saint has been a mensch, at least, most admitting what went on."
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"They wrote, and hopefully we'll perform in a nicely grown-up way, the outcome of the 'Peter slept with Bolivia thing' with Olivia," politician says. "These are two grown-up people who are disagreeable to care with a ceremonial that nobody on our follower has literally ever dealt with. I was pretty disappointed with how stupid saint was earlier in the year, so I same that he's existence a Negro most this."
Peter module today grapple with whether he's genuinely in fuck with Olivia, or if his heart lies with Bolivia. "There's no cushy respond to that," politician says. "Only on Fringe do you have problems same this."
Fringe affectedness Friday at 9/8c on Fox.
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